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Planting, pruning and landscaping all done!


SDOT Trees pruned'Thanks to the Bridging the Gap (BTG) Transportation Initiative, passed by Seattle voters in 2006, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) has met its  2013 goals of planting 684 trees, pruning 3,449 trees and completing 1,007 landscape maintenance projects. 

SDOT’s Urban Forestry, which is charged with overseeing the more than 40,000 trees in the public right-of-way (ROW) and maintaining 123 acres of landscapes that relate to the transportation system. Since 2007, the crews have planted more than 5,000 trees, pruned more than 22,000 trees and completed more than 2,000 maintenance projects across the City.  This work is important to maintain, protect, and expand the City’s urban landscape in street right-of-ways for Seattle’s residents and businesses so that economic, environmental, safety and aesthetic benefits are maximized. 

SDOT Landscape workIf you have questions or would like more information about the SDOT Urban Forestry Tree Program, please visit Urban Forestry’s website.  In addition, if you have concerns about specific trees in your neighborhood, please call the citywide tree line at (206) 684-TREE.

SDOT is also developing the Healthy Trees and Safe Sidewalks Management Plan to better address commonly occurring conflicts between trees and sidewalks.  It will establish a strategy and identify the tools necessary to achieve accessible sidewalks and expand the urban forest.

If you would like additional information on BTG please visit their website.