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Reaching Young Invincibles

The City’s Road Safety Action Plan and Be Super Safe Seattle campaign aim to eliminate fatal and serious injury collisions on our streets. In order achieve our goal we will need to address the three big problems that often lead to trouble – speeding, distraction and impaired driving. In addition, collision data clearly indicates that young men, ages 16 to 30, are involved in serious collisions far more frequently than others.

In Washington state,

  • 85 percent of drivers killed in collisions involving speeding were males with 56 percent of those individuals under the age of 30,
  • 77 percent of drivers killed in collisions involving distraction were males with nearly 40 percent of those drivers under age 30, and
  • Males were driving in 83 percent of all fatal collisions involving impairment with 42 percent of those drivers between the ages of 16 to 30.

We’ve previously reported on our work to reach this demographic group we fondly refer to as “the young invincibles” and we’re ramping up our efforts to reach them through whatever means are available. Grabbing the attention of young people is a very difficult task. Thankfully social networking sites like Facebook provide an opportunity to share our safety messages with young people in Seattle. 

So what type of content have the young invincibles responded to the most? Check out the video below to see for yourself and be sure to visit and “like” our page at