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Collaboration to Improve Private Development Review

SDOT’s Street Use Division manages the City’s rights of way (ROW), regulating activities that impact safety, mobility and the environment. In these last few years of unprecedented growth, we’ve taken a more holistic approach to right-of-way management.

So, what if we took this idea even further, before conflicts exist? Coming in at the early design stage, we could reduce impact challenges for communities and planners. Enter the innovative Development Review Program. This new program starts with enhanced SDOT engagement during the early stages of private development projects. The chart below shows our previous practice versus SDOT’s new enhanced role. The improved coordination will help make private development review more thorough and efficient.ed-mup-edit

The program is in partnership with the Seattle Department of Construction and Inspection (SDCI) with SDOT increasing its engagement on development projects through the Master Use Permit (MUP) process. The MUP is a single permit that integrates all process, procedure, and review elements—and through this new collaborative City effort, will help ensure positive results. Development Review Program goals include:

  • Aligning private development with city priorities and multimodal operations
  • Providing high quality customer service with consistent information to the public and direction to developers
  • Identifying opportunities to better leverage private development for city transportation system improvements

Working together with the development community to design the city keeps it connected and vibrant— a better outcome for all!

If you’re interested in learning more about the effort, contact Sara Zora at