We all know Seattle to be the Emerald City and if you look on most neighborhood streets, you can see why. Our city is dedicated to keeping a green landscape by increasing the number of trees in the city over the next 30 years through the Seattle ReLeaf program. SDOT’s Urban Forestry Division plays a major role in keeping our streets adorned with green by planting and maintaining street trees. We currently have 152,000 street trees. Though there are many varieties of trees that make up this number, the top ten are:
- Cherry (including purple leaf plums)
- Maple (including Red and Norway Maples)
- Hawthorne
- Crabapple
- Oak
- Linden
- Ash
- Sweetgum
- Birch
- Dogwood
All in all, we have an inventory of over 500 different types of trees! An ever greening landscape…what a wonderful world.