The South Spokane Street Viaduct Project moves forward next week with preparations to build a brand new 1st Avenue westbound on/off-ramp. That new ramp is set to open in late 2011, but to get there crews have to, as of Monday, for up to five months, reduce the eastbound 1st Avenue S off-ramp to one lane of travel and make 1st Avenue S between S Hanford Street and South Spokane Street one lane in each direction. Meanwhile, the old 1st Avenue off-ramp is scheduled to close permanently on May 17th (just as the old 4th Avenue S Ramp did in January).
Remember, this all leads to good things! Plus, there is good news RIGHT NOW to share: work to build the new 4th Avenue off-ramp is showing great results. The cool pictures say more than alphanumeric characters ever could…