Street parking– what a game to try to win. SDOT wants you to know the rules to become a Parking Pro.
In August, SDOT started making changes to the on-street parking rates in various parts of the city. There are temporary signs and orange flags at parking pay stations to help alert you to changes. Our Performance-Based Parking Pricing Program directs changes based on performance criteria and parking data. Our goal is to ensure that one or two parking spaces are open and available on each block throughout the day. We adjust rates up or down based on demand to provide reliable, convenient parking. This summer and fall we are making changes in 22 areas.
Have you seen the new parking signs and wondered what they mean?
Where you will see these signs? Pike-Pine, South Lake Union, Uptown Triangle, Capitol Hill north of Olive Way/John Street
What you need to know? These areas will see a $0.50 cent rate increase because parking is full much of the day and early evening, making it very hard to find an available space. The goal is to entice some people to look for alternates or off-street lots, in order to open up a handful of spaces so that there is more availability for others coming to the neighborhood. We want to make sure that you can find parking close to your destination. Check out the map here to see parking options near your destination.
Where you will see these signs? Parts of Denny Triangle close to the commercial core as well as parts of the U-District and the Chinatown/International District
What you need to know? These signs indicate that there is street parking nearby with a lower rate. For example, in the northeast corner of downtown near Denny and Westlake, that area has a $1.50/hour rate, while other parts of downtown street parking are more expensive.
Where you will see these signs? In the paid parking areas on 12th Avenue as well as in Cherry Hill, Green Lake, Fremont, and along NW Market St and 22nd Ave NW in Ballard
What you need to know? Paid parking hours will change to 8 AM – 8 PM in these areas in the next two weeks. Hours are extended to increase street parking availability in the evening. Our 2014 study showed 7 PM parking occupancies at or above 95%.
Evening paid parking helps free up a few parking spaces in very full areas. Overnight or long-term parkers are encouraged to park off-street or out of the core commercial districts. A few people might decide to carpool, bus, walk, or bike to their destinations.
Where you will see these signs? The northern parts of Belltown and Denny Triangle as well as parts of Ballard, U-District and the Chinatown/International District
What you need to know? When you see this sign, you have found bargain street parking. These areas will see a $0.50 rate decrease. Data shows that parking is not well-used and that too high a rate is charged for the current demand. Check out the map here to see details.
More information about the parking rate changes is available here.