The $930 million Levy to Move Seattle approved by Seattle’s voters last November brought much needed funding for congestion relief, transportation-related safety improvements, and maintenance and repair of Seattle’s roads and bridges. It also brought an expectation that SDOT would provide ongoing transparency and accountability for how these funds are spent and that promises made in the levy would be kept.
The Levy to Move Seattle dashboard, which went online in August, does this by tracking over 40 levy accomplishments and outcome-based performance measures.
For example, the dashboard shows that the Levy has funded Safe Routes to School (SRTS) projects at 8 Seattle public schools so far, with a goal of 81 public school SRTS projects to be funded by the year 2025.
The viewer can dive into the interactive website and assess ongoing progress, find out if promised deliverables are still on track, easily connect to other related websites, and read narratives about specific aspects of the levy.
The Levy to Move Seattle dashboard is updated quarterly. Check out the dashboard right here!