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This weekend: Making base repairs for new pavement at the intersection of (S Graham St/Swift Ave S) & (S Graham St/Beacon Ave S).

Progress on the Swift Avenue S / S Myrtle Street / S Othello Street Paving Project.

We’re making progress on Swift Avenue S / S Myrtle Street / S Othello Street Paving Project! Starting this Saturday, February 16, we will be completing our base repairs to support the new pavement. As a result, there will be closures on Swift Ave S and S Graham St for a couple of days.


Here’s what you can expect: 


On Saturday, February 16 from 7 AM to 5 PM crews will be demolishing concrete panels.

  • From 5 to 8 PM crews will prep the roadway for concrete.
  • From 8 PM to 2 AM crews will pour concrete.

On Sunday, February 17 from 2 AM to 3 PM the concrete on the roadway will be left to cure. From 3 PM to 6 AM on Monday, February 18 at 6 AM crews will overlay asphalt on the new concrete road panels.



The northbound lanes of Swift Ave S will be closed at Beacon Ave S. All lanes of S Graham St will be closed at Beacon Ave S. Local access will be maintained.



Expect loud noise, dust, and vibrations while crews are working.



Traffic to I-5 will be detoured to Beacon Ave S and S Columbian Way. The I-5 off-ramp between S Graham St and S Eddy St will be right turn only.



Metro bus route 107 northbound will be closed for the weekend. For information on changes to King County Metro stops, please visit their website.


Want more information?

For more information on this project, please our project website.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the construction outreach team by emailing or calling 206.256.5227.


Thank you for your patience while this is being completed!