On Saturday, May 9, NW 54th St & NW Locks Pl will be restored to two-way traffic!
As part of the Ballard Multimodal Corridor project, work along NW Market St and NW 54th St is underway to improve sidewalks, signals and crossings, pave roadways, and complete transit improvements.
To allow crews to safely complete that work, NW 54th St and NW Locks PL were converted to one way eastbound when the project began construction in spring 2019.
Crews have completed the majority of work along that section of the corridor, and two-way traffic will be restored on Saturday, May 9.
NW Market St between 30th Ave NW and 32nd Ave NW will remain one way westbound.
Phase 1 of the Ballard Multimodal Corridor project is nearing completion.
Over the past year, crews repaved NW Market St, NW 54th St, and NW Locks Pl, and have completed sidewalk, intersection, lighting, and signal improvements, and completed electrical work.
As this phase of the project comes to a close, work remaining includes planting vegetation and site restoration.
We appreciate your patience as we continue to work to complete this phase of the project.
For more information on this project, please visit: www.seattle.gov/transportation/BallardMultimodal
If you have questions or concerns, please contact outreach lead Darrell Bulmer at BallardMultimodal@seattle.gov, or 206-519-8136. Thank you for your patience as we make these improvements.
At the City of Seattle, we are continuing to follow guidance from federal, state, and local leaders and our public health partners regarding COVID-19.
State officials have determined that work on public works projects can continue during the Governor’s stay-at-home order provided that appropriate safety measures are in place.
The SDOT is continuing with essential transportation (public works) projects to the greatest extent practicable during these times. The health and safety of our workers and the public is our first priority.
Our contractors have updated their Health and Safety Plans to incorporate best management practices with respect to COVID-19 throughout our construction work sites. If a situation arises where a contractor is unable to maintain these practices on a work site, or the Governor orders that work on public works projects must stop, the contractor shall temporarily suspend work until the work can be performed safely and legally.
You can learn more about COVID-19 at www.kingcounty.gov/covid.