Thanks to your Levy to Move Seattle tax dollars and our Safe Routes to School program, construction started today on 15th Ave S between S Spokane St and S Angeline St in Beacon Hill!
This project will increase safety for people traveling along this important connection between Beacon Hill and Rainier Valley.

Here at SDOT, safety is our top priority. As Seattle grows and travel patterns change, we continue to make improvements to our roads and intersections to increase the safety of people walking, rolling, biking, taking buses, and in vehicles.
With input from the community, we’ve designed improvements that increase safety at the intersection connecting 15th Ave S, S Columbian Way, and S Oregon St.
The current intersection is confusing for people walking, rolling, biking, and driving. Over the last several years, we’ve engaged with neighbors and businesses about designing an intersection at 15th Ave S and S Columbian Way that fits the needs of everyone. We’ve heard the community say:
- Keep pedestrians safe
- Retain the traffic signal at the intersection of 15th Ave S and S Oregon St
- Use space for traffic improvement, not landscaping
- Business parking along 15th Ave S should be maintained
- Maintain traffic operations
- Provide safety and accessibility benefits for people walking, biking, driving, and rolling
Incorporating community input, the safety improvements we’ve designed and are implementing will bring us closer to Vision Zero: Seattle’s plan to end traffic deaths and serious injuries on city streets by 2030.

Construction is starting this week to:
- Add protections for people biking. This includes upgrading existing bike lanes to protected bike lanes and adding a bike box to increase safety for people traveling south by bike on 15th Ave S.
- Improve the signals to give people walking or rolling more time to cross S Columbian Way.
- Create a pedestrian-friendly peninsula for those walking, biking, and rolling across S Columbian Way and 15th Ave S.
- Add new bus stop increases convenient access for students, residents, and customers of local businesses.
- Allow left turns from S Oregon St to 15th Ave S offers better navigation for people driving.

This project also includes repaving parts of 15th Ave S and S Spokane St.
The exact locations are shown on the map in blue. Along this area, we will:
- Install new pavement
- Make drainage improvements
- Make pedestrian improvements at selected locations
- Improve the right-turn only lane at 15th Ave S and S Spokane St.
Construction started today and is expected to last up to 8 months.
Repaving work will be done in sections, moving from the south end of the project area to the north. Each section will take 1 to 3 weeks to complete, depending on the work, the weather, and other factors.
In most areas, repaving involves replacing the top 2-3 inches of roadway. Some areas will require deeper repair, or specialized work for drainage, sidewalks, and other elements.
During construction, people in and traveling through the area should expect:
- Traffic lanes and sidewalks reduced or detoured
- Driveways temporarily blocked, or impacted for several days at a time
- Temporary intersection closures
- Noise, dust, vibration, and large equipment
Business access will be maintained, and businesses and residents will be notified of any driveway closures in advance. People can expect to see clear and effective detour and closure signage in the project area.
Stay up-to-date on construction progress by signing up for 15th Ave S project emails or text messages.
- Sign up to receive occasional emails or text messages with important information impacting residents, businesses, and visitors to the area.
- Sign up for project update emails or text messages
- Visit the 15th Ave S project website
- Email 15thAveAAC@seattle.gov
- Call 206-775-8719
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