We’re trying to make it easier to move around the south end of the Ballard Bridge and want to hear from you. SDOT held a small working session with bicycle, freight and pedestrian advocates and is recommending the following changes.
If you bike or drive this corridor, we hope you’ll take some time to read the project web site and use your experience to give us input. Submit comments right here on our blog by Wednesday, August 12.
Update from SDOT: Hi there. It’s exciting to see how many people are commenting and we thought you’d like to know how we are going to respond to input. By close of business Friday, August 14 we’ll add a blog entry that summarizes how comments are being incorporated and why. Be sure to check back!
Also, thanks for the heads-up about branches obscuring some of the signs at the south end of the bridge. We’ll have Urban Forestry crews out there in the next week to evaluate and trim. If you come across greenery blocking traffic signs in the future you can call (206)684-TREE and we’ll have someone take care of it.