SDOT’s Safe Routes to School program has completed three projects that will significantly improve walking routes to schools.
One block from Concord Elementary School in the South Park neighborhood, SDOT completed a crossing improvement that connects Concord Elementary School with the new Cesar Chavez Park and the heart of the residential neighborhood. The project reduces the pedestrian crossing distance from almost 100 feet to just 32 feet. The project also installed a new all-way stop, 3 new marked crosswalks, 8 new curb ramps, and improved drainage inlets.

Crossing by Concord Elementary School Before Improvements

Crossing by Concord Elementary School After Improvements
At Kimball Elementary School in the Beacon Hill neighborhood the Safe Routes to School program partnered with the SDOT Artist-in-Residence on a sidewalk widening project. Students in the school’s art class submitted drawings that SDOT transformed into concrete stamps in a new 6-foot wide sidewalk. The project also provided two new curb ramps at the intersection of S Hanford St and 24th Ave S.

Sidewalk Near Kimball Elementary School Before Improvements

Sidewalk Near Kimball Elementary School After Improvements
Student-designed concrete stamp:

Close Up of Student-Designed Concrete Stamp Near Kimball Elementary School
At Sacajawea Elementary School in the Maple Leaf neighborhood, school buses previously loaded and unloaded on an unpaved gravel shoulder that often became muddy in winter. The new bus load area provides an asphalt pad for buses and a concrete sidewalk for students walk from their buses to the front door of the school. The project also provided three new curb ramps and drain grate improvement.

Unpaved Gravel Shoulder at Sacajawea Elementary School Before Improvements

Improvement: New Asphalt Pad at Sacajawea Elementary School
Later this month we expect to complete two more projects – one near North Beach Elementary School and another at Blaine K-8 in the Magnolia neighborhood. The first day of school is September 9. Look for those school zone signs and slow down to 20mph when students are present!