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Hear the Fremont Bridge Talk Back this Saturday

Bridge Talks Back JACQUES1

Did you know that all summer there’s been an artist up there in the Fremont Bridge towers with Rapunzel?  Artist Kristen Ramirez has been using a tower as a studio, spending time with bridge operators and neighbors, and working on an artistic response to the bridge.  The project, part of the SDOT Art Plan, was made possible by SDOT 1% for Art. 

This Saturday, Kristen wraps up her summer residency at the bridge with a temporary art project celebrating the daily rhythms and sounds of the bridge. Bridge Talks Back, a sound artwork, opens with a celebratory performance at the bridge Sept. 26, 1 to 4 p.m. Each bridge opening will be greeted with pageantry and fanfare. Watch a colorful procession and see the bridge festooned with flags while musicians play from the bridge towers.

Ramirez’s three-minute audio composition will play through the bridge’s sound system during daytime bridge openings. The sound collage includes clips of boat horns, bird songs, bridge bells and more. People waiting for the bridge to open will also be able to dial a phone number (posted on nearby road signs) to hear a version of the soundscape which will include residents’ recorded musings about the bridge.

More info here.  Kristen’s blog: