Because it is spring and bikes are beautiful. Come celebrate bicycle culture by listening to bands and DJs, watching bike films, viewing bike-themed art and more this Saturday, April 10. This is an indoor/outdoor event that will happen rain or shine at 4710 Ballard Avenue. It is hosted by Viking Fire Foundry and lasts from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. Bikes are not mandatory. The event coincides with the monthly Ballard Artwalk.
Seattle consistently has been rated one of the top spots in the country for bicycling. Not surprisingly, a good proportion of Seattleites use their bicycles for recreation and transportation. SDOT’s Bicycle Program has been working steadily toward developing an urban trail system to accommodate bicyclists. Urban trails include shared use paths, bike lanes, signed bike routes, arterials with wide shoulders, and pedestrian pathways. For more information on our progress take a look at theĀ Bicycle Master Plan Progress Report.