Join your neighbors for an informal meeting with the artists who will create a second art mural for Aurora.
When: Tuesday, August 10, 7:00-8:00pm
Where: Epic Life Church, 10510 Stone Ave N
(across from Northgate fire station)
First Aurora Art Mural by Seattle Mural Art
temporary display at 7615 Aurora Ave
The artists hired are from Seattle Mural Art. Their first Aurora mural was installed temporarily in an empty storefront at 7615 Aurora and within 3 weeks the property was leased! The team is currently seeking a new location on Aurora for this 6-panel mural.
The 2nd mural will be painted on the exterior wall of 10217 Aurora Ave N (North Park Grocery). You can provide input!
Join Sustainable Green Lake, Greenwood Aurora Involved Neighbors (GAIN), Epic Life Church and Seattle Department of Transportation to meet the artists and discuss our visions for Aurora. The basic themes for the artwork will include sustainability, traffic safety and community. Come share your ideas and enthusiasm for a new Aurora!
Funded by the Washington Traffic Safety Commission,
City of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods, and
Greenwood Aurora Involved Neighbors (GAIN).
For more information, contact