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Tuesday Night – learn about the “other” Mercer…

With all the hoopla surrounding the September 8th groundbreaking of the Mercer Corridor Project, lovingly referred to as Mercer East, you may not have picked up on the details of the Mercer West Project The Mercer West Project would complete the City’s vision for a direct, two-way connection between I-5 and Elliott Avenue West, continuing where the Mercer East Project leaves off.  Come to an open house September 21, Tuesday evening, to learn more and convey your ideas for the future of this section of the corridor…  

DATE:  September 21
Seattle Center*, Northwest Rooms Plaza, Lopez Room
(*at the intersection of  Warren Ave. North and West Republican St.)
TIME: 4:30 to 7:00 p.m.

The proposed improvements would be from Dexter Avenue North to Elliott Avenue West, and include widening the Mercer Street underpass at Aurora Avenue North; converting Mercer and Roy streets from one-way to two-way operation; and improving intersections, street connections and bike access.

See you Tuesday evening!