SDOT plans to start work on a series of safety improvements on Aurora Avenue North starting Monday. This work is part of the Aurora Traffic Safety Project, a two year effort to improve safety through low cost engineering, enforcement, and educational efforts.
On Monday SDOT crews will break ground on the first project at the intersection of Aurora and Halladay Street – just south of the Aurora Bridge. This intersection has a history of nearly 20 rear-end collisions per year. Crews will reconfigure the median island at this location to improve sight distance for drivers entering and exiting Aurora. New curb ramps and signage will also be installed.

SDOT crews will reconfigure Aurora and Hallady starting Monday. The new island will be constructed with concrete for durability and a better walking surface for peds.
The Halladay Street exit from Aurora northbound Aurora will be closed only from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. during construction to minimize traffic disruption. The Halladay Street entrance to northbound Aurora will remain open. This project is expected to take four to five days to complete, weather permitting. A police officer and traffic flagger will be on site to assist drivers, peds, and cyclists through the work zone.
SDOT Signal Crews will be installing radar speed signs along Aurora next week as well. Radar speed signs display the speed of passing vehicles above a standard speed limit sign. These signs have been shown to reduce speeds by three to five miles per hour. Crews will install these signs at five locations along Aurora. Northbound traffic will soon encounter radar speed signs at Prospect St, N 39th St, and at W Green Lake Way N. Southbound traffic will see these signs go up at N 48th St and near the Dexter Ave exit. This work does not require lane closures or traffic disruptions but drive slow if you happen to drive by our crews. Installation should be complete by the end of May.
Once our never-ending winter comes to an end, reflective pavement markers will be installed between the dashed lane lines on the Green Lake curves. These lane markers are intended to reduce the number of vehicle versus jersey barrier collisions that occur in this stretch of Aurora by providing drivers with additional guidance through these curves. Installation should take a little more than two hours to install once pavement conditions are dry and warm enough to accept the adhesive.

Reflective pavement markers will soon adorn the space between the dashed lanes lines on both northbound and southbound Aurora near Green Lake
More projects are coming soon to Aurora. Stay tuned to the SDOT Blog for more information, or, for a sneak preview, check out the Action Plan on our website: