Did the long days and the good weather of summer help you walk, bike and use transit more often? Great!
Well, don’t let the looming darkness and drizzle be your excuse to slip back into old travel habits. Here’s a bit of inspiration to help you keep up your summer habits of active transportation.
- Working excercise into your everyday travel keeps you active and fights the winter blues when your summer outdoor activities fade.
- “I’ve got to drive in the fall because I have to drop the kids off at school.” It’s seems easy to hop in the car to take the kids to school, but you do have options. Start a walking schoolbus or get involved in International Walk to School Month in October. Our friends at Feet First can help you make it happen. Plus, you’ll reduce the pollution from that line of idling cars at your kid’s school. Be part of CoolMoms’ anti-idling campaign for schools starting in October. Time your walk to school versus driving and waiting in line or searching for parking at school. Your feet may be faster.
- Yes, it rains in the winter. But not very hard actually. A bit of gear eliminates the “but… but I’ll get wet” excuse. As the world’s greatest living explorer Ranulph Fiennes said, “There is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing.” He climbed Mt. Everest at age 65. We know you have what it takes to walk to your bus stop even when it’s a “blustery” 45 degrees.