Last Saturday, Sept 24th was Moving Planet day, around the world and in Seattle. The reading of the proclamation that the Seattle City Council and Mayor signed in support of the day kicked off a rally to build community around clean energy and transportation solutions for the 21st century. Moving Planet Seattle is part of an international movement about “moving on” from fossil fuels and the goal to get to the level of “350 ppm”
of carbon in the atmosphere. Most climate scientists agree 350 parts per million is the highest level of carbon dioxide that is safe to have in our atmosphere. Right now we are at 392 ppm and emissions are rising. People all over the world gathered to raise awareness of Climate Change. Many people felt inspired as photos from Yemen to Australia where posted on’s website.
Here in Seattle hundreds of people arrived by bicycle, transit and walking and enjoyed the fun activities, the workshops, and each other. SDOT was a partner in this event. We participated in a transportation workshop and engaged people in imagining the possibilities for their street at our area for Summer Streets. We announced the big impacts and the prize winners of the July/August WBR Challenge – presenting the e-Moto electric bike to Julie V.
We did our best to chalk a route for peds and bikes through the Mercer street construction. Looking forward to the future Valley Street which will be a much easier path for walking and biking. We also had a wonderful time engaging with people on how they can help making a more livable, walkable city and what choices they can make to bring about that change.