This past week we’ve been seeing headlines in the local media about the arrival of heavy rains, windstorms and even snow. Just in time, SDOT’s annual Winter Weather brochures are also arriving! Every year the department prints thousands of brochures which are delivered to Seattle’s elementary schools for the children to take home to their parents. A total of 30,000 brochures have been delivered to the schools, and parents can expect to find a brochure in their children’s backpacks this week or next week. The brochures are also free and available at city Neighborhood Services Centers and libraries.
The annual winter weather brochure, which is available in multiple languages, has a large map of Seattle’s snow and ice routes, lists of important telephone numbers and web sites to use during winter storms, and offers preparedness tips.
You can find also this handy information on our website. The snow maps are available and downloadable by district: Northwest Seattle, Northeast Seattle, Downtown, Central-South Seattle, and Southwest Seattle. Fact sheets are offered on the website in English, Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Tagalog, Somali and Korean.
Be sure to check out the information so you are ready for whatever Mother Nature blows at us!