SDOT’s Safe Routes to School Program recently put the finishing touches on the South Park neighborhood’s newest sidewalk. The new facility on South Concord St between 5th Avenue South and 7th Avenue South has significantly enhanced a designated school walking route to Concord Elementary School and improved safety on the street as a whole.
Prior to installation, vehicles were parked haphazardly in the undefined space between the road and private property. The sidewalk improves safety for pedestrians by separating vehicles from pedestrians via curbing and a planting strip.
This project created a direct link to the school via marked crosswalks at the intersection of 7th Ave S and S Concord St. Curb bulbs were incorporated into the design at this intersection where Concord’s Student Patrol helps kids and parents cross the street as they walk to school. Curb bulbs reduce the width of the crossing for peds creating a much more pleasant pedestrian environment. New curb ramps were installed at the intersections along the route as well.
The new curbing clearly delinates parking on the roadway and effectively narrows the width of the street. The narrower street provides a traffic calming effect since motorists naturally drive at slower speeds on narrow streets.
In addition, gaps in the curbing allow surface water to drain off the street and into the planting strip. This drainage configuration will help the new street trees that were planted through this project grow healthy and strong.
This innovative project was funded through a WSDOT Safe Routes to School grant with a local Bridging the Gap match. Thanks WSDOT!