One of the many projects funded by SDOT’s Large Neighborhood Street Fund is wrapping up in the Eastlake neighborhood – leaving a much safer intersection in its wake! The project is the Fairview Avenue East and Fairview Avenue North Intersection Redesign – more simply and lovingly referred to as the “Fairview Project.”
The newly realigned (squared up) intersection shortens the distance pedestrians have to travel to cross the roadway. The project also closes the gap for peds and cyclists by creating a path between the existing gravel one to the north and the Fairview Avenue Bridge to the south (missing piece in the Cheshiahud Lake Union Loop).
Plus, crews have built sidewalks along either side of the intersection and, after reducing the southbound lane width of Fairview Avenue North, created a bike lane as well as on-street parking space.
As part of the Cheshiahud Lake Union Loop Trail, the project created a 6-feet-wide asphalt walkway along the waterside of Fairview Ave E and connected it to the existing asphalt walkway at E Blaine Street.
Crews reconstructing the intersection have been efficient, starting construction just this past summer and reaching substantial completion last week – meaning nearly everything is done AND meaning bike/ped connections between South Lake Union/Downtown and the University District are now improved (remaining for November is the installation of one new street light to illuminate the new intersection location as well as added landscaping).
The Fairview project is a great example of a neighborhood coming together to make things happen – first calling for improvements as part of the neighborhood plan under development in the 1990s and then urging for the project to be funded as part of the Bridging the Gap Neighborhood Street Fund (NSF). Bravo Eastlake community!! For those of you looking to do the same, the NSF application process has begun – so get your applications in!!