SDOT Urban Forestry crews just moved through on Beacon Avenue leaving behind these freshly pruned trees for all to enjoy!
As 2012 draws to a close, work on many Bridging the Gap (BTG) projects is also wrapping up. Over the past six years, the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) has made needed repairs to our bridges, roads, sidewalks, signs and stairways thanks to the BTG transportation levy passed by Seattle voters in 2006. This year BTG will meet targets for 41 of 42 accomplishments. The final accomplishment – building 7 miles of Greenways – will roll into 2013 as additional outreach and design work is needed.
As of today, work has wrapped up on the following 2012 projects: six safe routes to school projects constructed, 23 blocks of sidewalk repaired, more than 2,500 regulatory signs installed, three stairways rehabilitated, 40 lane-miles of bike lanes and sharrows maintained, two bridges painted, 264 repairs made to city bridges and 16 lane-miles of roadway has been repaved.
Over the next several weeks, you will see SDOT crews installing pedestrian countdown signals, constructing the final few blocks of new sidewalk, completing the Neighborhood Street Fund large projects, remarking crosswalks, making crossing improvements and planting trees. All work is slated to be complete in December!
BTG work plans for 2013 are currently being developed and SDOT will work hard to meet those plans and deliver on the promises made by Bridging the Gap. For information on BTG please visit the web site.