It’s been a busy two weeks for the Elliott Bay Seawall Project – on November 6, voters approved $290 million dollars to fund the critical first phase of the project, on November 9, SDOT selected Mortenson/Manson as the general contractor/construction manager (GC/CM) for the project, and on November 13, SDOT released the project Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for public review and comment. The Draft EIS release is a major project milestone for this project; it provides detailed information on the project purpose and need, seawall replacement alternatives and their potential effects both during and after construction, and names a preferred alternative for seawall replacement.
The Draft EIS can be accessed in a variety of ways, including online at the Seawall project website, at select libraries and Neighborhood Service Centers (for a complete list, visit the EIS website), or in person at the Draft EIS Open House on December 5th.
Draft EIS Open House
December 5, 2012
4:00-7:00 p.m.
Brief presentation at 5:15 and 6:15
Bell Harbor Conference Center, Maritime Event Center
2211 Alaskan Way, Seattle
Comments on the Draft EIS will be accepted through December 13, 2012 and can be submitted to SDOT in the following ways:
- Online via the comment form
- At the Open House on December 5th
- By Mail, please send comments to:
- Elliott Bay Seawall Project – Draft EIS Comments
c/o Mark Mazzola, Environmental Manager
Seattle Department of Transportation
PO Box 34996
Seattle, WA 98124-4996
The Elliott Bay Seawall is a critical piece of infrastructure that supports the downtown Seattle waterfront and adjacent marine and upland structures, including major regional utilities, Alaskan Way, SR 99, Washington State Ferries’ Colman Dock, the BNSF railway, Port of Seattle operations, and various commercial and residential buildings. Replacing the seawall will protect the waterfront from coastal storm damage and seismic damage and will set the stage for the future waterfront. The new seawall would also provide habitat restoration opportunities, transportation infrastructure, and public amenities. Additional information about all activities ongoing for the Elliott Bay Seawall is available on the project website:
If you have questions, please call the project information line at 206-618-8584.