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Ballard Bridge bridges trail…

Crews working on the Ballard Bridge Seismic Retrofit Project originally planned to close the Ship Canal Trail for 30 days to enable work on the south side of the bridge; but now the plan is to bridge the trail instead.  To do that, work platforms are being constructed on top of scaffolding.

Scaffolding with work platforms, near Ship Canal Trail and under the south side of the Ballard Bridge

Scaffolding with work platforms, near Ship Canal Trail and under the south side of the Ballard Bridge

The wood platforms atop the scaffolding shown in the photo above are similar to what you will soon see over the Ship Canal Trail itself, in the area this photo highlights.  Trail users may experience some very brief interruptions by flaggers while this platform is being placed (or dismantled) and possibly at other times, but these interruptions will be few and short. 

SDOT is always looking for ways to minimize the impacts that our projects have on the public, consistent with the safety of both workers and the public, while ensuring high quality work.  A work platform “bridge” over the trail is an example of that effort.  So, keep enjoying the trail, and we’ll keep trying to keep the Ballard Bridge improvements from interrupting travelers!