Activities this week include:
• Begin installation of a sewer mainline and manhole on Broad Street at Westlake Avenue N.
• Continue installation of Seattle City Light vaults and duct banks on Valley Street between Terry Avenue N and Westlake Avenue N.
• Continue installation communications duct bank on Valley Street between Terry Avenue N and Westlake Avenue N.
• Continue landscaping installation on Fairview Avenue N between Valley Street and Mercer Street and on the south side of the I-5 on-ramps at Mercer Street.
Traffic engineers will continue to:
• Monitor traffic flow on Mercer Street and newly re-opened Fairview Avenue N.
• Monitor traffic on 9th Avenue N
• Monitor traffic flow at the Dexter Avenue N and Mercer Street intersection.
For up-to-minute construction updates join our project email list at: http://www.seattle.gov/transportation/mercercorridor.htm or call the 24-hour construction hotline at 206-419-5818.