The draft Seattle Bicycle Master Plan is now available online for public comment. It includes City’s vision of making “riding a bicycle a comfortable and integral part of daily life in Seattle for people of all ages and abilities.” The strategies and actions identified in the plan will not only make bicycling a viable form of transportation for Seattle residents, workers, and visitors, but also help the City achieve its goals relating to climate change, economic vitality, and community livability.
The draft plan was developed over the past year and reviewed by the Seattle Bicycle Advisory Board. Two phases of outreach have been conducted to date, including an online survey and mapping tool and series of public meetings in November 2012. The plan updates the policy framework and network map (showing the location and type of new bicycle facilities throughout the city). It also includes a bicycle facilities visual glossary; recommendations for end-of-trip facilities and programs; and a prioritization framework for how new projects will be evaluated.
There are a number of opportunities to learn about the plan and to provide comments, including three open houses from 6 to 7:30 p.m. (presentations at 6:30 p.m.).
- June 5 at City Hall in the Bertha Knight Landes Room, 600 Fourth Avenue
- June 12 at Columbia Branch Library, 4721 Rainier Avenue S
- June 13 at Roosevelt High School Lunchroom, 1410 NE 66th Street
An online Lunch and Learn is scheduled for June 6 from noon until 1 p.m. and comment sheets along with the plan are available at Comments will be accepted until July 26, 2013.