The use and abuse of disabled parking placards continues to be an issue for multiple agencies and departments in Seattle. SDOT and the Office of Intergovernmental Relations worked with State representatives in early 2012 to bring attention to this issue. Based on a recent on-street parking utilization study (2013), approximately 30 percent of the vehicles parked on-street during the weekday between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m., in Downtown Seattle, First Hill, Chinatown/International District and Pioneer Square, have a disabled parking placard or plate.
The Legislature asked the DOL to create a workgroup to examine the use of disabled parking placards and special license plates for persons with disabilities, and develop a strategic plan for ending any abuse.
The workgroup is made up of representatives from DOL, Department of Health, City of Seattle, Governor’s Committee on Disability Issues and Employment, and Arc of Washington.
The workgroup has been meeting since June to research and review data to determine where potential abuse may be, develop measures to reduce fraudulent use and issuance, and suggest ways to strengthen administrative processes, while minimizing the impact to individuals who really need these privileges.
The public may share ideas with the workgroup by sending an email to: The deadline for public comments is October 15, 2013.
The workgroup will report its findings—and a strategic plan on ideas to potentially reduce abuse—to the Legislature by December 1, 2013.