Green Lake Way North is currently a four-lane street that borders the east side of the Woodland Park playfields and provides access to Green Lake from the south. The Seattle Department of Transportation is proposing changes to make the street safer and more comfortable for people of all ages and abilities to walk and ride bikes, as well as safer for drivers. The changes will reduce speeds, and improve pedestrian and bicycle access.
SDOT project staff will explain their proposed improvements and answer questions at an open house:
Date: Tuesday, August 20
Time: 6:30 to 7:45 p.m.
Place: Green Lake Branch Library, 7364 East Green Lake Drive North
The proposal includes installing a new center turn lane, reconfiguring the street to provide one travel lane in each direction with bicycle lanes on both sides of the street, and improving pedestrian crossings. A new stop sign will be installed at West Green Lake Way North. Traffic signal operations at Green lake Way North and North 50th Street will be improved by removing one block of parking on the north side of North 50th Street.