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Waterfront Seattle – Environmental Review Scoping has begun!

The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on elements of the proposed Waterfront Seattle project including Alaskan Way, the pedestrian promenade, and the overlook walk. The EIS scoping comment period for these elements began on August 14 and continues through September 25. You can submit your comments during this time (see below for more details) or attend the September 9 public meeting.

What is scoping?
Scoping is the first step in the EIS process. The purpose of scoping is to seek input from the public, interest groups, agencies and affected tribes on the actions, alternatives and environmental impacts proposed to be discussed in the EIS. As the notice indicates, “you may comment on alternatives, mitigation measures, probable adverse impacts, and licenses or other approvals that may be required” (View the public scoping notice.) The scoping process is also intended to eliminate detailed study of those issues that are not significant or have been covered by prior environmental review.EIS Scoping

EIS scoping meeting
A public scoping meeting will be held:

September 9, 2013
4:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Seattle City Hall, Bertha Knight Landes Room
600 Fourth Avenue (between Cherry and James Street), Seattle, WA
The meeting will be an open house format, and is free and open to all. 

Submit comments

SDOT would like your ideas about what should be discussed in the EIS. All scoping comments must be submitted by 5:00 p.m., September 25. Comments can be submitted in several ways:

  1. Online comment form
  2. Email:
  3. Provide comment at the public scoping meeting

Write to:
Peter E. Hahn, Director, Seattle Department of Transportation
c/o Mark Mazzola, Environmental Manager
PO Box 34996
Seattle, WA 98124-4996
To learn more about the State of Washington’s State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and the scoping process visit the Department of Ecology’s SEPA website FAQs at:

For more information about the project, and the scoping process visit or call 206.499.8040.