This week, crews will continue sidewalk and landscaping work on Valley Street between Fairview Avenue North and Ninth Avenue North. Construction activities also continue on the north side of Mercer Street between Fifth Avenue North and Dexter Avenue North and the east side of SR 99 between Valley and Harrison streets.
Activities this week include:
- Continue sidewalk restoration on Valley Street between Ninth Avenue North and Fairview Avenue North.
- Continue landscaping on Westlake Avenue North and Valley Street.
- Continue sidewalk work and conduit installation on the north side of Mercer Street between Queen Anne Avenue North and Fifth Avenue North.
- Continue sidewalk improvements on Roy Street at Fifth Avenue North.
- Continue installing concrete panels on the north retaining wall on Mercer Street between Fifth Avenue North and Dexter Avenue North.
- Continue installing utilities on the south side of Mercer Street between Fifth Ave N and Aurora Avenue North.
- Continue work on the north and south ends of the east side of the SR 99 bridge.
- Continue electrical work along the south side of Mercer Street between Eighth Avenue North and Dexter Avenue North.
For up-to-the-minute construction updates join our project email list at: or call the 24-hour construction hotline at 206-419-5818.