The year-long project to rebuild Delridge Avenue SW between SW Orchard and SW Roxbury is slated to be completed by the end of the year (weather permitting). The project has rebuilt some one and a half miles along this heavily traveled arterial in West Seattle that had deteriorated over time and was in need of significant repair.
In addition to the new concrete and asphalt road that is providing a much smoother ride for motorists, the project also includes new sidewalks, ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) curb ramps, roadway markings and new street signs. Pedestrians will benefit from the installation of new curb bulbs that reduce pedestrian crossing distances at 18th Avenue SW and Delridge Way, as well as the creation of an all-way stop at 17th Avenue SW and Delridge Way (along with a new crosswalk to the south).
Bicyclists benefit from the creation of a buffered 6’ bike lane on the west side of Delridge between SW Myrtle and SW Holden streets. Between Holden and SW Kenyon streets, bicyclists now have a 5’ bike lane on the west side of the street, and a 6’ bike lane on the east side.
Finally, from Kenyon to SW Roxbury (the City’s southern border at this point), sharrows have been painted on the pavement, indicating that motorists and bicyclists share the road. These improvements will significantly increase safety for bicyclists, encouraging more to consider this environmentally friendly mode of transportation.
As is the case with large paving projects such as this, the project also included the addition of new storm drainage structures underneath Delridge that will significantly reduce damaging stormwater overflows into nearby Longfellow Creek.
SDOT wants to thank those impacted during construction for their patience.