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2013 Sidewalk Construction complete courtesy of BTG!

N 125th sidewalk project.

N 125th sidewalk project.

More than eight blocks of new sidewalk were completed in 2013.  The funding for these blocks was provided as part of the Bridging the Gap Transportation (BTG) initiative, passed by Seattle voters in 2006.  Since 2007, more than 99 blocks of new sidewalk have been constructed across the city.  It is anticipated that another seven blocks will be built in 2014.

The 2013 BTG sidewalk projects:

  • NE 125th Street between 35th Avenue NE and Sand Point Way NE, on north side
  • N 90th Street between Dayton Avenue N and Fremont Avenue N, on south side
  • 13th Avenue NW between NW 90th Street and Holman Road NW, on west side
  • NW 90th Street between 12th Avenue NW and 13th  Avenue NW, on north side
New sidewalks on  90th Street.

New sidewalks on N 90th Street.

New sidewalks provide the key connection within and between our neighborhoods.  They make it easier to get to school, to work and to use transit.  For more information on the completed 2013 projects please visit SDOT’s Sidewalk Development Program webpage.  The list of projects for 2014 will be posted soon, so remember to check back!For information on BTG and the other projects funded please visit their webpage.