Attention Bicyclists: Take your best shot and share it with us
The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is already gearing up for next year’s Bike Map! The new map will have a very special new feature – favorite views on Seattle’s bike routes as seen by you!
We’re already accepting photos and will continue to do so indefinitely, but in order to be selected for the 2014 map, we need your best photo by November. You may submit more than one photo. Since we can’t include all the top submissions given the limitations of the map, we may post the best of the best on our SDOT Flickr website. We’ll keep you posted and you will receive credit for the photo.
We expect to receive multiple photos of certain views, but we may not necessarily know the exact location and angle of the photo – so please let us know where the shot was taken, what direction you were facing, and any other perspective details. We’d love for you to have fun with this and be creative! Things to consider: an aspect of biking – a bike part, people biking, a bike sign, etc. We hope to get photos that include Seattle icons – the mountains, space needle, the Ship Canal bridges – something that reminds people of Seattle. Your favorite bikeable destination – places that you can only see if you ride a bike would be awesome. Your photo might also be a mix of natural and built environments. You might add a comment such as “Great place to propose to your sweetie.” . . . “Not to miss – the sun coming up.” . . . “My favorite thinking spot.”
Obviously, we need a photo with as high resolution as possible for reproduction, but it should fit within an email. Please send your photos to with the subject line “Best Scene from a Bike”. We look forward to seeing Seattle through your eyes!