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Got a great idea fort a Safe Routes to School project?

We’re now taking applications for Safe Routes to School mini-grant projects

The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) is now accepting applications for mini-grants of up to $1,000 to fund projects that educate students about pedestrian and bicycle safety and encourage walking and biking to school. Making the choice to walk and bike to school reduces pollution and congestion near schools and provides quality time for parents and kids to spend together. Programs funded by the SDOT mini-grant not only increase safety around schools, but also help kids learn earth-friendly ways of getting around their neighborhoods.

In a change from previous years, the mini grant program will now have two funding rounds each year: Fall and Spring. The new Spring funding round will provide funds to grantees in time for Fall school activities, such as the International Walk to School Month in October. Applicants are eligible to receive a grant once per year. Private and public schools, PTAs, neighborhood councils, local advocacy organizations, and other school-related 040714_ SRTS_Walking Bus_Photo4 2 RESIZEnonprofit groups may apply.

Mini-grants can fund a wide range of projects and programs at schools. The activities must support the overall goal of improving safety and encouraging more walking and bicycling to school, but otherwise, we are open to your creative ideas. Examples of past mini-grants have included helping schools and non-profits start student safety patrols; launching anti-idling campaigns; installing pedestrian crossing flags; developing and promoting school traffic circulation plans; hosting walk and bike to school month activities; leading walking school buses and bike trains; and educating kids on bike safety. The possibilities are nearly endless!

If you have an idea for a safety education or encouragement program, please visit our website for more information on how to apply for a mini-grant.  In addition to the application, a letter of support from the school principal must be e-mailed, mailed, or faxed by the application due date. For questions, contact Ashley Harris at Completed applications are due April 30, 2014 by 5pm and recipients will be announced by June 6, 2014. Funds will be distributed in July 2014.