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Safe Routes to School grant program now accepting applications

Do you have a creative idea for promoting walking and biking to school? Looking for a source of funds to make your idea a reality? Look no further!

FPEWSB_KidVestThe Seattle Department of Transportation is now accepting applications for mini grants of up to $1,000 to fund projects that educate students about pedestrian and bicycle safety and encourage walking and bicycling to school. All you need to do is fill out a straightforward application form, get a letter of support from your school principal, and complete a summary report when you’ve finished your project highlighting all the great things you accomplished. It’s that simple!

Some examples of past projects funded by the Safe Routes to School Mini Grants include kick-starting a walking school bus with safety vests and flags for bus “drivers;” supporting walk to school month events with prizes and incentives for walkers; incentives for bike to school commuters, like bike locks, lights, and helmets; bicycle safety and maintenance classes to make sure kids know the rules of the road and how to keep their bikes in tip-top shape; traffic circulation plans and communication to make sure traffic flows as safely as possible around schools.

If you have an idea for a safety education or encouragement program, please visit our website for more information on how to apply for a mini-grant. In addition to the application, a letter of support from the school principal must be e-mailed, mailed, or faxed by the application due date. For questions, contact Ashley Harris at Completed applications are due October 31st, 2014 by 5pm and recipients will be announced by December 5th, 2014. Funds will be distributed in January 2015.