The North Beacon Safety Connections Project is making safety improvements on Beacon Hill for pedestrians and bicyclists, including students and families traveling to and from Beacon Hill International school. Please checkout our Blog Video below featuring Safe Routes To School Coordinator Brian Dougherty with his update.
SDOT crews are building a new redesigned intersection south of the school at Beacon Avenue South and 14th Avenue South. The new intersection will have:
- An all-way stop with marked crosswalks on all sides.
- Curb ramps and curb extensions at all corners of the intersection which reduces the pedestrian crossing distance.
- A raised crosswalk in the south portion of the intersection which will encourage slower vehicle crossing speed.
The intersection is also being realigned so that southbound motorists on 14th Ave South must turn left or right at Beacon Avenue South, except bicycles. The change will reduce cut-through traffic on 14th Avenue South and will improve visibility and safety for people crossing the street.
This project is a part of Safe Routes to School an organized national effort to make it easier and safer for students to walk and bike to school. SDOT supports this effort by funding engineering improvements, education, and encouragement campaigns at public and private schools throughout Seattle.
There has been a dramatic decrease of children walking and bicycling to school over the past several decades. Parents dropping their kids off at school in cars contribute to morning traffic jams in our communities that impact everyone. The good news is walking and biking to school has increased at 26 of 28 schools evaluated in Seattle from 2007 to 2013.
In addition to the intersection work, SDOT has built a new continuous sidewalk on the northeast side of Beacon Avenue South, that runs west to South Holgate Street. The new sidewalk, curb ramps, and an uphill bike lane connect the North Beacon Hill business district to the Mountains to Sound Trail to the west, which helps improve the connection between Beacon Hill and SODO.
SDOT crews are working hard to enhance safety and mobility, and improve our infrastructure. This project is funded by the nine-year voter approved Bridging the Gap Levy, Safe Routes to School, Sidewalk Development Program, and Washington State Transportation Improvement Board.
We would like to thank the community for their patience as we work to complete this project which will make it safer and easier for kids, neighbors and families to get around on Beacon Hill.