The City of Seattle and the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) in addition to other city departments has launched a new tool called Performance Seattle, a new internet site dedicated to connecting citizens and the city departments. Mayor Murray announced this week during his “State of the City” address that the city is implementing the new online dashboard, which uses performance data from nine initial contributing departments to help Seattle’s citizens and stakeholders monitor the City’s progress towards many performance-oriented goals.
The site can be found at: and besides “Transportation” the dashboard includes categories for “Public Safety”, “Utilities & Environment”, “Housing, Human Services & Education”, “Community & Economic Development”, and “Operations & Innovation”. As can be seen below within the “Transportation” category, the site has been configured so that there are three sub-categories for which SDOT data is shown: “Mobility”, “Roads”, and “Safety”.
Performance Seattle is set up to be very interactive and it is easy to drill down into the data by clicking on one of the blue goal tiles (as shown above). As an example, the cut shot below shows how the “Repair potholes quickly” goal tile can be explored further. The viewer is shown the goal, the data feeding into the goal, the importance of the goal, and how SDOT is performing in meeting the goal.
Notably, SDOT was the pioneering department in developing this city-wide dashboard concept, with the Mayor’s Office incorporating many of the features of SDOT’s original site as Performance Seattle began to take shape over the course of the latter part of 2014 and early 2015.
SDOT will work with the Mayor’s Office in the future on Performance Seattle content, which will likely evolve over time with goals being added and/or taken away as department and Mayoral priorities change. It’s worth noting that we’re stepping up our performance reporting efforts internally as well, looking for ways to integrate the use of performance data into our everyday work as we continually strive to deliver service in the most efficient and effective ways possible.