What is Move Seattle?
Move Seattle is the Mayor and SDOT’s vision for how to integrate all of our planning for different travel modes into a holistic, 10-year strategic plan for transportation. It builds from the Council-adopted modal plans, describing how they work together as a whole. It includes strategic goals, near-term (3-year) and long-term (10-year) commitments for SDOT, and accountability measures, as well as a 10-year list of large capital project priorities. It is organized around Mayor Murray’s vision for Seattle as a safe, interconnected, affordable, vibrant and innovative city.
Delivering the following near-term actions in the next three years will help us meet our goals:
Roll out a coordinated Vision Zero program:
- Implement 20 mph speed zones in residential areas on a neighborhood-by-neighborhood basis, starting with areas with the highest crash rates
- Carry out 5 corridor safety projects, including on Rainier Ave S, 35th Ave SW, Lake City Way, and SW Roxbury St
- Reduce arterial speed limits to 30 mph or lower to improve safety
- Create a traffic safety education kit for community groups and schools to promote road safety and Vision Zero
- Partner with Seattle Police Department to conduct routine enforcement in areas with high crash rates
- Partner with SPD to install at least 12 new school zone cameras
- Improve school walking routes at up to 12 locations and upgrade school zone signage at up to 15 locations each year
Repair critical infrastructure to increase safety:
- Repair up to 25 blocks of damaged sidewalk each year
- Complete construction of the Yesler Avenue over Fourth Avenue bridge replacement and begin construction of the seismic retrofit of the 45th Avenue Viaduct East Bridge Approach and the replacement of the Post Avenue Bridge
- Begin seismic retrofit of Seattle’s remaining unreinforced bridges
- Rehabilitate up to 5 stairways each year
Enhance mobility and access:
- Synchronize the downtown signal system
- Establish a 24-hour Traffic Management Center to better manage traffic and incident response 24/7
- Implement adaptive signal control along the Mercer Corridor, Denny Way, and 23rd Avenue
- Develop an iconic Seattle transit map to make Seattle’s transit system easier to understand
- Expand Transit Screen displays to 20 buildings to improve access to transportation information
- Partner to design and launch a real-time multimodal travel and wayfinding app
Improve transit and maximize bus service and ridership growth:
- Implement “Always on Time” bus routes by focusing transit capital improvements on the routes that serve most Seattle residents
- Ensure that 75% of Seattle households are within a 10-minute walk of bus routes with service every 15 minutes or better
- Install red bus-only lanes and transit priority improvements at pinch points and implement targeted enforcement to ensure bus-only lanes operate effectively
- Upgrade bus stops and stations by implementing a street furniture program and adding real-time information signs and better lighting to busy bus stops
- Begin construction of bus rapid transit on Madison Street
- Begin construction of the Center City Streetcar Connector and the Broadway Extension on Capitol Hill
Bump up Seattle’s bikeability:
- Install 1,500 bike parking spaces over the next three years
- Encourage businesses to install bike racks in the right of way and work with building owners to increase quality off-street bike parking
- Enhance bicycle commute programs available to employees
How were the strategic goals in Move Seattle established?
The five strategic goals in Move Seattle are consistent with Mayor Murray’s vision for Seattle: A safe city, and interconnected city, an affordable city, a vibrant city, and an innovative city. The document discusses how SDOT’s actions and investments will advance those larger city goals.
How did you prioritize the projects in Move Seattle?
The Seattle Department of Transportation rigorously prioritizes the large capital projects it recommends to City Council and the Mayor as part of the budget every year. This same prioritization process was used for the projects in Move Seattle. Looking at factors as diverse as safety data and economic development potential, critical maintenance needs and potential to improve key transit, bike or freight routes, a list of 17 large capital projects over the next 10 years is proposed in the plan.
What was the public process for Move Seattle?
Move Seattle is a mayoral initiative that builds on adopted City policy in the modal master plans and other documents, such as the Seattle Comprehensive Plan. While the Move Seattle initiative did not have an individualized public engagement campaign, the policies it integrates were all subject to extensive public feedback and Council adoption.
Is Move Seattle the same as a potential Bridging the Gap transportation levy renewal?
No. The vision outlined in Move Seattle is much broader than what can be achieved through a transportation levy and involves many different sources of funding including grants, partnerships and other revenues sources. A replacement source of funding for the Bridging the Gap levy will be necessary, but is not sufficient, to realize the full vision in Move Seattle. Staff at SDOT are working closely with the Mayor’s office on planning for a transportation levy, and will have more information to share on that separate subject in the coming weeks. For more information: http://www.seattle.gov/transportation/moveSeattle.htm