We look forward to hearing from Gabe Klein tonight at the first of the Transportation Speaker series. Cathy Duchamp from KUOW will be moderating at the Seattle Central Library from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. See you all there.
What is the future of transportation in Seattle? What can Seattle learn from other cities?
We’re bringing the expertise of four national and international leaders who transformed cities through transportation to help Seattle see our streets and sidewalks in a new light. Join these leaders of New York City, Washington DC, Chicago and Bogotá as they challenge us to develop a transportation system than can meet current demands while also looking ahead to future needs.
In four nights from March to June, come hear about the effects of new technology, demographic changes, quick project delivery, and emerging public space needs on transportation, as well as the impact transportation can have on Seattleites’ health, prosperity and happiness. Together, let’s find the answer to “Where are we Going?”
Wednesday, March 25 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. “Future of Transportation in Cities”
- Gabe Klein – Urban Land Institute, fmr. Transportation Commissioner, Washington DC and Chicago
- Moderator: Cathy Duchamp, KUOW
- Seattle Central Library 1000 Fourth Avenue
Sponsors: Seattle Department of Transportation, Office of Arts & Culture, KUOW
For more information: http://www.seattle.gov/transportation/SpeakerSeries/default.htm