The public access point where 51st Avenue NE in Laurelhurst ends at Lake Washington is now a more approachable environment. The beautiful new look was constructed in less than three months by the Seattle Conservation Corps. This work is part of the Shoreline Street Ends Program to improve public access to waterways.
The improvements at 51st Avenue NE included clearing and grubbing to create a usable gathering space with a picnic table and water viewing area. You can view the project design at this link. Design elements listed below not only address equitable waterway access; they also support native tree and plant species.
- Creating an entry to the street end
- Removing overgrown vegetation and weeds
- Constructing a curb ramp per Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards
- Planting new, native vegetation
- Installing timber steps to the water
- Replacing two parking spaces with new bicycle racks
Nearly 150 public streets in Seattle end on waterfronts. The current project is to improve nine of those–one being 51st Avenue NE. For more information on the other eight street ends we’re working on or the Shoreline Street Ends Program, contact the team at or call 206-615-0925.