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Weekend Closures: East Lake Washington Boulevard and eastbound SR 520 lanes and ramps from Montlake to 92 Ave NE

WSDOT and City of Seattle crews will work around the clock for two consecutive weekends to relocated and replace utilities. This utility work will be completed during the upcoming weekend closures of East Lake Washington Boulevard from May 29 to June 1 and June 5 to 8, when crews will connect the combined drainage system on East Lake Washington Boulevard to the system under SR 520. Closure limits will vary each weekend:

  • During both weekends, crews will close all lanes and sidewalks of East Lake Washington Boulevard from Montlake Boulevard to East Roanoke Street from 7 p.m. Friday, May 29 to 6 a.m. Monday, June 1 and 7 p.m. Friday, June 5 to 6 a.m. Monday, June 8. Crews will also close the northbound traffic lane from East Roanoke Street to the SR 520 ramps to and from Lake Washington Boulevard. During the first weekend, all SR 520 ramps will remain open.
  • During the second weekend of the East Lake Washington Boulevard closure, WSDOT crews will close all eastbound SR 520 lanes and ramps from Montlake Boulevard to 92nd Avenue Northeast from 11 p.m. Friday, June 5 to 5 a.m. Monday, June 8. All westbound SR 520 lanes and ramps will remain open but drivers will need to use I-90 to travel to the Eastside.


See the map below for bicycle/pedestrian detours and the limits of the road closures.


SDOT appreciates the community’s patience for any inconvenience while this project work is being completed. Nearby residents may hear equipment as crews remove and replace utilities. Crews will comply with construction best management practices and the city of Seattle noise code, and will use a temporary noise variance to complete this work. For more information about the closures, see the WSDOT mailer linked here: website.