SDOT is seeking a $25 million federal TIGER grant that would complete the Northgate Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge and also fund a major expansion of the city’s bike share network. This grant from USDOT, along with local contributions from SDOT and Sound Transit, would provide a direct pedestrian crossing over I-5 and expand bike sharing in Seattle from 50 to approximately 300 stations.
In addition to the federally-funded elements of the project, SDOT and Sound Transit are constructing a wide variety of locally-funded street improvements for people walking and cycling throughout the Northgate neighborhood. These improvements, largely focused on safe and direct connections to the new bridge, include a network of new sidewalks, safety improvements at pedestrian crossings, and protected bike lanes along 1st Ave NE and NE 100th St.
USDOT awards TIGER grants each year to large-scale, transformative transportation projects across the country: projects that revitalize communities, grow the economy, and provide ladders of opportunity for workers and students. USDOT is offering approximately $500 million in 2015 grants. Awards to urban cities can range from $10 million to $30 million or more.
TIGER applications were due June 5, and awards are typically announced in September. USDOT completes extensive reviews of all TIGER candidates, including detailed benefit-cost analyses to ensure that the most cost-effective investments across the country are prioritized for federal funding.
For more information please click here.