If you’re heading down to visit the Seattle Waterfront Saturday July 11, The Downtown Seattle Association parking program, DowntownSeattleParking.com and WSDOT are providing free parking (for up to four hours) on Saturday, July 11 when visitors patronize a participating Waterfront business.
Check out the link for more:
Participating businesses are: Argosy Cruises & Tillicum Village, Elliott’s Oyster House, Elliott’s Cafe 56, Ivars’ Acres of Clams, Ivar’s Pier 54 Fish Bar, Seattle Aquarium, Seattle Shirt Company, Simply Seattle, The Crab Pot, The Fisherman’s Restaurant & Bar, The Great Wheel and Ye Olde Curiosity Shop.
How to get the free parking:
- Park in one of these participating parking facilities: 1st & Columbia Garage (721 1st Ave.), Hillclimb Court Garage (1422 Alaskan Way), Western & Seneca Lot (1101 Western Ave.) or Watermark Garage (1100 Western Ave.)
- Patronize a participating Waterfront business (listed above) to receive a free parking voucher
- Present voucher to booth attendant upon exiting the parking facility (drivers are responsible for additional parking cost beyond four hours)
The DSA’s Metropolitan Improvement District (MID) Parking Ambassadors will also be out and about along Seattle’s waterfront, assisting drivers locate the free parking garages, as well as the year-round low-rate parking on other key summer weekends.
Seawall Update:
The weather is warm and Seattle’s waterfront is bustling with activity as Seawall Project construction takes a summer break between Pike and Madison streets. Businesses are now open at historic Piers 54, 55, 56 and 57. The seawall is complete adjacent to Waterfront Park, and nearly 70 on-street parking spaces are available in between the Seattle Aquarium and Pier 57.
The view from below the sidewalk of the completed seawall adjacent to Waterfront Park, including the new seawall face, habitat shelves, marine mattresses and overhanging light penetrating sidewalks.
Seawall Promenade
This summer, you can access your favorite businesses and attractions from a temporary, park-like pedestrian promenade from University to Madison streets. In this area, you’ll find plenty of special activities including street performers, ping pong tables, and more! Parts of the in-progress Seawall are open for viewing through the excavated areas adjacent to the promenade. Businesses on piers 54, 55, 56 and 57 are open and accessible via pedestrian bridges that span the seawall work zone.
Construction will continue near Colman Dock throughout the summer, between Madison Street and Yesler Way. Check out the most recent project flyer for more information.
Take a self-guided seawall tour
This summer’s construction hiatus provides an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see portions of seawall assembly at various stages of completion from Union to Madison streets. When seawall construction is complete in 2016, most of the massive seawall support structure will be covered up by soil, pavement and concrete. Throughout the summer, visitors to the waterfront can learn more about one of Seattle’s most critical pieces of infrastructure via a self-guided tour that provides educational information and unique insights about the Seawall Project.

Keep an eye out for self-guided tour banners – like this one – along the waterfront and learn more about seawall construction.
Post your #SeawallSelfie
Visit the waterfront this summer and snap a photo of you and your friends or family. Tag your photos with #seawallselfie and post them on Facebook or Twitter. We’ll share our weekly favorites!

Come on down to the waterfront this summer, snap a #seawallselfie and share with the Seawall Project on Facebook or Twitter!
Seawall Project – Summer 2015
Learn more!
For more information about seawall construction, visit the Seawall Project website, or visit the self-guided tour online. If you have questions, email (seawall@waterfrontseattle.org) or call the 24-hour hotline (206.618.8584).