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SDOT is Evaluating over 21,000 Curb Ramps

This past June, SDOT surveyors were sent throughout the City to begin measuring and assessing existing Curb Ramps, about 21,000 of them!

Curb Ramp Inspection1So you ask,”What’s a Curb Ramp?” Curb ramps are located at intersections to facilitate wheelchair, bicycle, and pedestrian street crossings. Curb ramps are sloped areas, typically located on corners at intersections that provide access from the street grade to the sidewalk. The goal of the curb ramp program is to improve access to Seattle’s network of sidewalks and walkways, particularly those for whom mobility is limited.

Curb Ramp Crosswalk

Whether the curb ramps were built last week or 30 years ago, the goal is to gather data on all existing curb ramps to help determine areas that may need improvement sooner rather than later.The City of Seattle is excited to evaluate City programs, activities, and services provided to the public and identify barriers that may prevent access to persons with disabilities. For SDOT, that means sidewalks, street crossings, curb ramps, and any other pedestrian facility available.

SDOT will be measuring many different aspects of curb ramps, including the slope, the width, and other physical traits that may affect accessibility. When the information has been collected, SDOT will be able to analyze ramp conditions all over the City. Being able to review these existing conditions will help SDOT to prioritize curb ramp improvements in the future in collaboration with the Pedestrian Master Plan.

Curb Ramp Inspection4

If you have any questions about the curb ramp evaluation, we encourage you contact SDOT’s Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator,  Michael Shaw. He can be reached at (206) 615-1974 or by email at