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We are excited to share the latest news about the Greenwood Ave N Transit and Sidewalk Project at our September 14 open house event. We will provide a project updates, review what to expect during construction, and answer questions from the community.
Construction begins in early October
Construction is set to begin in early October and continue through April 2016, weather permitting.
The project includes transit and sidewalk improvements on Greenwood Ave N between N 90th St and N 105th St.
Project goals
• Improve safety for people who walk, drive, and bike
• Create a more visually appealing corridor
• Improve sidewalk access and crosswalks at intersections
• Improve safety and comfort for transit riders
• Increase predictable travel patterns for all road users
Construction impacts
• During construction, the community can expect:
• Parking restrictions
• Bicyclists merge with vehicles
• Limited use of center turn lane
• Minor detours for people who walk along Greenwood Ave N
• Limited access to adjacent properties (including driveway closures) with advanced notification
• Restricted access to/from side streets
Project details
The project includes new sidewalks, planting strips, curbs, and crosswalk markings. The project will also upgrade bus stops, closing some stops and relocating others to improve bus stop spacing through the corridor. Four new “bus islands” will keep buses in the travel lane and reduce conflicts between buses, bicycles, cars, and pedestrians. The bus islands will feature shelters, pedestrian lighting and bike racks.
This work is funded by the Bridging the Gap Levy, a Neighborhood Street Fund Grant, and a State Transportation Improvement Board Grant. The total estimated cost for this project is $3.5 million.
To learn more, visit the project webpage and sign up for email updates. We look forward to the open house tonight and hope to see you there!