Thanks to progress on the Ballard Neighborhood Greenway Project, walking and biking along 17th Ave NW are becoming easier and safer. Greenway projects make small improvements on residential streets that add up to a big difference. SDOT is developing a citywide network of neighborhood greenways to provide routes that are safer and more comfortable for people of all ages and abilities to walk, utilize and ride bikes on. This Blog post has inspired me to take my bike for a ride after I get home!
The Ballard Neighborhood Greenway project began construction in September 2015 and is almost complete. Connecting Soundview Playfield at NW 90th St to Salmon Bay using 17th Ave NW (until it turns on NW Dock St and ends at Ballard Ave NW), it includes features that will calm vehicle traffic and guide users along the route. Some of these improvements include:
- 20 mph speed limit
- Stop signs at non-arterial streets that cross the greenway
- Wayfinding signs and pavement markings
- Speed humps
To make crossings easier and safer for people walking and riding bikes, crossing improvements were made at key intersections, including where 17th Ave NW crosses NW 85th St, NW 80th St, NW 65th St, and Leary Ave NW. Some of these improve
- Curb extensions: Also known as curb “bulbs,” curb extensions help shorten crossing distances for pedestrians and improve visibility between people walking and driving.
- Curb ramps: New curb ramps that are compliant with current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards improve accessibility for all users.
- Crosswalks: New crosswalks provide increased visibility and safety for people crossing the street.
- Crossing beacons: These are pedestrian-activated signals that flash to alert vehicles that a person is crossing the street.

Intersection at 17th Ave NW and NW 65th St, before and after, with new curb ramps, curb extensions, and crossing beacons.
SDOT partnered with Seattle Public Utilities on a project to build natural drainage systems and neighborhood greenway improvements on 17th Ave NW between NW 83rd and NW 77th streets. To minimize construction impacts, the permanent greenway improvements will be installed as part of SPU’s natural drainage project in the spring of 2016. SDOT installed temporary improvements at the intersection of 17th Ave NW and NW 80th St, including striping and flexible bollards. SPU will notify neighbors in advance of the start of construction. For more information about SPU’s work, visit the project webpage at, or contact Grace Manzano at (206) 233-5134 or
Also as part of the Ballard Neighborhood Greenway Project, a new public space was created at the intersection of 17th Ave NW and NW Dock Pl. Groundswell NW will work with the community to develop a permanent park within the new public space using Neighborhood Park and Street funds.
You can learn more about the Ballard Neighborhood Greenway by visiting:
More information on the Seattle Neighborhood Greenways Program can be found here.