We’re taking a look at the Restricted Parking Zone (RPZ) Program to see how we can make on-street parking in neighborhoods work better. We’d like to hear from you!
Please take a few minutes to complete our survey by March 31, 2016 at: www.surveymonkey.com/r/SeattleRPZ.
About the RPZ Policy Review
Neighborhood conditions and demand for curb space continue to change as Seattle grows. We’re conducting a review of the RPZ Program, scheduled to be completed by the end of 2016.
What does this mean and why are we doing it?
The RPZ program was originally established in 1979 to mitigate the impact of major institutions on residents in nearby neighborhoods. We now have over 30 RPZs in Seattle. The last review of the RPZ program was in 2009, and many Seattle neighborhoods have changed significantly since. This project will look at potential strategies for managing demand for parking in residential areas.
Here’s a snapshot of our schedule:
- March: Public survey
- Spring 2016: Data collection and analysis
- Fall 2016: Draft policy recommendations for public review
- Late 2016: Final report
Sign up for e-mail updates and learn more at: www.seattle.gov/transportation/parking/rpz_policy_review.htm.
For more information, please contact Becky Edmonds at RPZPolicyReview@seattle.gov or (206) 684-5104.