Have you taken your bike out for a spin during Bike Month? If not, now is a good time to start! This Friday, May 20, is Bike Everywhere Day! Whether you’re just starting out on a bike or you’re a seasoned rider, SDOT’s Bike Program can help. You’ll find helpful Bike Maps, including a cool Interactive Bicycle Map.
Join bicyclists everywhere for street side celebrations all throughout the city.
What to expect at celebration stations:
- Free souvenirs
- Free food and drinks
- Drawings for fabulous prizes
- Once-a-year discounted Cascade Bicycle Club membership (select stations only)
- Bike maintenance
Bike Everywhere Day isn’t just for experienced riders. Thousands of people will be pedaling on our streets to offer encouragement and support to experienced and first time riders alike.
The celebration doesn’t stop there. Join Velo Bike Shop for their Bike Everywhere Day After Party! The fun continues with bites, beverages, and raffle prizes.
If you don’t own a bike, consider trying out Pronto Cycle Share (free rides on May 20!). If a bike ride isn’t in your Friday forecast, no problem. Bike Month continues until the end of May. If distance is an issue, consider a “hybrid commute” where public transit is taken for a portion of the commute and you ride your bike the rest of the way.
Seattle is using our streets to provide safe, affordable travel choices and create great places that encourage people to get out and enjoy streets on foot or by bike. In doing so, we reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve the health of or residents and make it comfortable for people of all abilities from our 5-year old kids to our 80-year old grandparents to move around.
Let’s keep this two-wheeled momentum going! Happy biking!