We recently held a Community Resource Fair in Rainier Valley to speak with residents about getting around the city safely. We shared information on the variety of services and programs we offer including Play Streets, Transportation Options, car tab rebates and our Pedestrian Master Plan. The event drew in recent immigrants, young people, and communities of color.
In an effort to broaden the event beyond transportation, we partnered with other government agencies, non-profits, and advocacy groups to discuss our Vision Zero efforts to end traffic deaths, and gave people opportunities to learn more about things like health care, voting and subsidized ORCA cards.
Some of the highlights included interpreters for 7 different languages spoken in the community, delicious food from local ethnic restaurants, and our mini traffic safety course, which showed children (and adults) of all ages how to navigate traffic circles, bike boxes, and crosswalks.
Our Vision Zero campaign to end traffic deaths and serious injuries by 2030 can’t happen without your support – we need everyone across the city to commit to being smart and safe when getting around, whether you drive, walk, bike, or take transit. Together, we can prevent crashes and put an end to traffic tragedies.
Thank you to all the organizations who joined us last week, and a special thanks to the Filipino Community Center for providing space for a great event!